Thursday, October 31, 2013

Getting to Know You: Ann

Oh Ann, you are everyone's favorite outside of the nursery. If someone comes in they immediately go to you, pick you up, hold you for a little bit, then set you right back down. If you said that you probably don't like that, you'd be right. You cry every. single. time. you are placed back on the ground. Oftentimes the person has a hard time getting you to sit down since you have been learning to stand/walk.
Mouth hanging open, huge eyes
Your cry has become one of the most annoying sounds I have ever heard. It's actually the whining part of your cry that grates my nerves. I can do a perfect impersonation of it I'm proud to say.
Mouth hanging open, huge eyes
Someone commented how you are very high maintenance, which I would have to agree with. You'll do things in your time - eating included. If you don't want to eat a particular bite someone is giving you you cry, if you think you should have had a bite like 5 seconds ago you'll cry.

Just chilling...she's the first one who has figured out how to climb out of the highchair.
Through my time here I am finally seeing a personality in you. You used to just sit around with your mouth hanging open...which it still does...and stare with those big eyes of yours taking everything in. I've seen you smile and giggle and heard you talk! I would love to be able to see you blossom more this next month I have with you.

Mouth in a smile, big beautiful eyes
You do snuggle the best out of everyone in the nursery. All it takes is putting your head down anywhere on someone and you're there until that person moves you. Your eyes are big and beautiful. I pray for your salvation Anna Banana. I pray that once you receive Christ you show compassion to every person you meet and in doing so show them Christ. Auntie loves you and will actually start holding you more as you seem to be growing up before my eyes!

Sunday, October 27, 2013

Getting to Know You: Jay

Jaybird – you have the cutest dimples ever! I love the fact that I can tickle you and immediately get a smile…even in the midst of crying!

Hold me!
You have cerebral palsy and it affects your left side. Honestly, I didn’t know you had it until I went to physical therapy with you at least a month into my stay here. We started with you learning to crawl, but you quickly learned to crawl, so now I get to work with you crawling on your hands and knees instead of an army crawl that you seem to have down pat!

I'm sitting on my own!
You have also started to sit up on your own. It isn’t for too long, but it’s a start. When we put you in the bouncy thingy you go absolutely nuts! You can’t seem to sit still, maybe that’s why you aren’t really sitting up much since you would rather be on the move.

Yeah, I am more than thrilled to be bouncing.
Auntie loves you Jaybird! I pray you find salvation at an early age so you can use the rest of your life to serve Jesus and show others the way to Him! You are a determined little man and I hope that you take that determination and apply it to your walk with God. 
You talking to me?!

Week 7 Recap

Sunday was a very relaxing day for me. We’re not normally in the volunteer quarters when the sun is going down…and I’m thankful for that during the week, as it can get very hot. Oh, but I am thankful for the heat as I hear stateside it’s getting colder every day!

Practicing my mommy-carrying-child skills.
Monday was probably the fastest day I’ve had here. One of my mamas was sick and the mama who is the filler for this shift was already filling in at another cottage. I decided to help out all day in there…and was so thankful that the babies seemed to be doing much better than last week.

I couldn't believe I fit on this boda boda...many children had to help push!
 Ah, the smells of Africa…on Tuesday during lunch the neighbor across the street decided to burn their rubbish. Naturally, there was an easterly wind so while we were on lunch break the smoke came wafting into the apartment and we smelled like bonfire the rest of the day. This is the exact smell I smelled when I stepped out of the airport and knew I was back in Africa. It was reminiscent of the smells from Kenya. 
Just a couple of monkeys hanging around.
We have been trying to figure out a good schedule for the babies. Since I’ve been here we are on our third one. This particular one seems like it will do really well. We are incorporating walks in the morning, outside sunshine time on the lawn when the big kids aren’t there as well as water play and music time. Today for the water play some of the kids screamed when they were placed near it…because they scream when they get their baths. Hopefully one day they’ll see the difference!

Am so thankful for the power of God’s Word! We are doing a Bible study through the book of James on a nightly basis. Total conviction 4:7-10 “Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you. Draw near to God, and he will draw near to you. Cleanse your hands, you sinners, and purify your hearts, you double-minded. Be wretched and mourn and weep. Let your laughter be turned to mourning and your joy to gloom. Humble yourselves before the Lord, and he will exalt you.”

Did you get that? How many of us, myself included, truly mourn over the fact that we sin against a holy God?! Not only that, but if we confess and ask for forgiveness – He gives it!!! By humbling myself I’m lifted up in Him. Mind boggling. God loves me that much. Truly undeserving.

We finished out the week with an ATV safari along the Nile. A few of us were going to go bungee jumping, but after talking to a few people, we decided not to. So glad we did this instead as it was much longer and just all around hilarious and fun! We weren’t sure how much fun we could have with the ATV, so while at the back of the group, I started fish tailing…then slowly I moved to the front of the group and what I was doing didn’t look a s bad as one girl getting stuck twice not really doing anything. Our guide finally started doing fish tails himself, so I knew we were ok…as long as we didn’t tip!

I will say though, that I was completely lost while on this little “safari”. We drove by the Nile twice, but the rest of the time we were going in and out of villages. We talked a little about that afterwards…we were driving right in front of people’s houses and through their fields. There is no way in America that people would let others do that. We saw so many children too – as soon as they heard us they came running; many just to say hi to the mzungus, but many to see if they could get a handout.  It rained on us at the beginning, but the sun eventually came out. It turned out to be such a gorgeous afternoon. Was thankful for the rain and as it wasn’t that dusty.

I cannot believe that I only have 5 weeks left. I praise the Lord for what He’s done in my life while here and am planning on embracing many more moments with my babies while I can!

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Getting to Know You: Alex

Alex man - you were the first baby I saw here at Amani...and you were waking up from your morning nap! You had me at your smile...and your dance moves. You love to move your body - whether back and forth while sitting or doing spread eagles in the constantly move around.
He's waving!!!
You are the one boy that unfortunately seems to get overlooked when people come in to the nursery. You are one of the best cuddlers in there! You don't make much noise unless you are hungry or tired...then you cry...just like any other normal baby.
An eating Alex is a happy Alex!
You love it when I shower you with kisses! You get the hugest smile on your face which makes me want to shower you with more kisses. Your smile melts my heart...every. single. time!

Splits maybe?!

I pray for your salvation. You are a shaker and a I'm praying that the Lord puts a zeal in your heart to be spread the gospel to everyone you meet. I want Him to be Lord of your life - every aspect of it! Keep your chill spirit little man. Love on all you meet! Auntie loves you and will miss being able to have you in my arms!
Chubby cheeks man!

Sunday, October 20, 2013

Week 6 Recap

My feelings exactly....
Snotty noses, fevers, huge crocodile tears, snuggle time, wailing, lots of biting my fingers, pain in those said fingers...this has been a hard week in the nursery. We have at least 5 babies teething all at once. Screaming, crying babies no longer phase me. I don't know if that's a good thing or not. I have found that certain babies don't get as much attention if they are just off to the side playing by themselves. Through this long week there have been many bright spots. Two of those bright spots were that Ann and Mercy both stood by themselves! Granted, it was for just a few seconds, but great rejoicing was had by this proud auntie!

Another bright spot is Jay-bird is sitting up by himself for a little bit!
 There has been an amazing feeling of camaraderie here in the volunteers' quarters. I am so thankful for the ladies that God has placed here with me. We've been studying through the book of James every night...and watching an episode of Downton Abby. Those times of Bible study have been refreshing and helping me recharge each night this week. The Lord knew I would need it specifically this week. He alone is my strength and He alone gives me mercy each and every day that is so undeserved on my part!

One of the mamas I work with had a birthday this week. She was able to have her birthday on her day I decided to celebrate the day before. I went into the nursery and didn't say anything to her all morning long. I took her a pack of Oreos after lunch and was hoping she would think that was all. Later another volunteer and I took down a birthday cake we found at one of the Supermarkets and I took her a bar of chocolate and gave her and the other mama each a soda (it just killed me to write that word!). She was very surprised and so appreciative. She said no one has ever done anything like that for her. It was a great moment to be apart of!

On Thursday I had the amazing opportunity to go with Sole Hope to Wakisi village for jigger removal. What are jiggers you ask? This description is from Sole Hope's website:

Female jiggers or sand fleas burrow into humans to lay their eggs creating open sores or wounds, which are prone to parasitic infection. People who do not wear closed toe shoes, such as children, are most commonly affected.
When the female is almost fully developed an infestation begins to irritate and itch, causing severe inflammation and ulceration. If the female flea dies in the skin it may cause a secondary infection, which, if ignored, could lead to tetanus, gangrene, and even the loss of a toe.
A pastor in this village was our hook-up and they have created a great rapport with the local leaders of the village. This was the start of a weekly visit to help remove jiggers and create awareness of how to create an environment where they cannot breed. I went in thinking that I would love to get into the action...then I saw exactly how they removed the jiggers and was more than thrilled to run around getting whatever they needed. Another volunteer went with me as well as many other white people who are here for either adoption or ministry opportunities. There is a huge need for jigger removal! Be sure to check out Sole Hope's website and find out more about what they do and possibly pray how you could help out. I really want to host a shoe cutting party!

They use razors and pins to remove the jiggers...
We got back earlier than we thought we would and were able to go on a boat ride! We started out in Lake Victoria and went to the Nile. Right where the two meet, there is an island that hosts a sign saying Source of the R. Nile as well as picnic tables and a building for buying souvenirs...which you could buy in town, but how cool would it be to say you bought it on the Nile? So what did I buy? Nothing.
I was at the back of the boat...not that big!
We went in a very small boat and each took a child. I took comfort in the fact that one of the girls didn't enjoy the boat I didn't. It was peaceful, but whenever the boat leaned one way, I immediately leaned in the other direction. I don't do too well in smaller boats....especially when I don't have control of them. We did learn some while we were in the boat. Did you know that only 15% of Lake Victoria goes into the Nile? 85% of the water in the Nile comes from the ground. We saw it in action while on the little island. Lake Victoria is still waters while the Nile flows along...up North.

We tried to see the sunset from a particular spot on Saturday night....but it didn't really happen the way we planned. We still saw a gorgeous sky with after colors...which I've learned is my favorite part of the sunset! It was a great way to finish off the week as well as eating Oreos with peanut butter on top...which I'm not suppose to have, but when in Africa...

Thank you for your prayers! They are greatly appreciated. Don't know if you have heard, but the bombing that happened in Kenya a few weeks ago is likely going to happen in Kampala, the capital city. That is about 2 hours from Jinja. We are aware of it and are taking the proper precautions for it, but would still covet your prayers that the threat is just that....a threat and nothing more. Al Queda is behind the attacks/threats. God is in complete control and there is no safer place to be than right where He wants me!

Sunset on the River Nile

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Getting to Know You: Sarah

Sarah – you are such a tall girl, yet I didn’t know that until I took your hands and stood you up. I also didn’t realize that you are the oldest of the babies. You have been slower in your development than your brothers and sisters, but you are definitely on your way to catching up with them.

Crying from the lack of no one paying attention to her still in bed after morning nap.
You were the crier in the nursery when I first came in. Now you aren’t so much. You finally crawled this week and I couldn’t be happier about that. When you do cry now I think it’s because you want to crawl, but can’t change from your sitting position to crawling yet. Don’t you worry though – this auntie is persistent and will see you being able to crawl right along with your sisters Mercy and Ann.

Foam letters make for great teething toys!

I was just looking through my pictures since I got here and loved the fact that you have matured in your looks. You are definitely growing into your own little woman and I love it!

She's gotten so big...turning into a beautiful girl!

I pray for your salvation dear Sarah! I want you to know the love of the heavenly Father that far surpasses the love any human being can give you….even me. I want you to grow up knowing that even though your circumstances aren’t the greatest here on earth, this place is NOT your home. As a believer you will be a stranger/foreigner in this land…just like I’m a foreigner in your land. Love Jesus with all your heart. Use your determination to spread His gospel to all the lands! Auntie loves you!!!!!

Monday, October 14, 2013

Week 5 Recap

Wow – 5 weeks has passed. I could say that it flew by, but that would be a lie. I do feel though that I’ve been here forever. I’m getting really bad remembering what happens each week as they all are starting to mesh together. So, here’s my attempt at remembering what went on this week…..

On Sunday another volunteer and I visited a different church than what we’ve been going to and it was so refreshing! It was rather weird to see a lot of mzungus (“rich” white people) there! The pastor is from the states and has been established here in Jinja for several years.

Monday was a big day for the nursery. We had several babies started to crawl! I was hooting and hollering J They can only crawl while on their bellies for now, but I’ve been trying to work with them to make the big-kid transition from sitting to crawling. During this past week at least 4 of them are crawling and the rest are close behind.

Sarah is one of many that crawled for the first time this week!
Tuesday was actually a hard day in the nursery. By God’s grace alone I continued to show the love of God to all those in there and He brought me through. It was a rainy day and those can be hard here. The kids end up staying in their respective cottages all morning long. I would love to provide a sheltered area for them to play in, but don’t think there’s any room on the lot.

During the afternoon the sun came out and dried things up a bit. Went with some of the workers and took older kids to the dairy where they had strawberry ice cream. I haven’t had dairy in a very long time and decided to eat some. That was dumb….my nose closed up within the hour. The best part was seeing the kids on the walk back – you could definitely tell they don’t get sugar very often. They. Were. Insane. It was great J

Wednesday was a difficult day again but in other areas. God is on the throne and He will prevail…and He did! Got to go to a Bible study that night at the church we had attended. Love it when the Lord gives me exactly what I need even though I’m not searching for it.

Thursday was the first day in a while that I was able to play with the bigger kids outside for the afternoon. I am still learning names. Many of the kids look alike and I don’t get to be around them as often so I have been trying to figure out different characteristics that can differentiate them. I had so much fun running around with the kiddos. They are finally learning my name…when you’re not with them they tend to not know you even though they see you every day.

Friday was a fun day…when I wasn’t carsick. The volunteers and two of the staff members went to Kampala for the day. We visited a Friday market where things were dirt-cheap. Then went to lunch at New York Kitchen and I got a burrito without the tortilla and a few other things. I couldn’t believe I’ve never thought of doing that at Mexican restaurants! I actually finished it since I didn’t have the tortilla…probably wouldn’t have been able to finish since it was so big.

We shopped the rest of the afternoon…and got stuck in awful traffic. Lord knows I wouldn’t be able to handle living there. Taking a boda boda is definitely the way to go as they just weave in and out of traffic and fly by vehicles that are at a dead stop. Enjoyed some great times in the van on the way back getting to know those that are serving here a little better.

Saturday brought a day of projects and rest. We visited another ministry here in town called HEAL ministries –  “Hands Embracing All Lands.” You can visit their website to learn more about them. Amani has been in their current location almost a year now. HEAL moved in to where Amani used to be. Here is what their strategy is according to their website:

HEAL Ministries vision is that every abandoned woman and child finds his or her value, purpose and hope through the transforming love of Jesus Christ.
What’s true in America is true in Uganda and around the world. When we understand we have value, we have a DESIRE to move beyond where we are. When a person has ACCESS to resources to help them move beyond where they are – that’s when CHANGE happens.
Our strategy is to mentor abandoned women and children through our programs. Our desire is that they feel LOVED, find HOPE and know VALUE, moving them to wholeness.

The lady who runs this ministry, Tina Weir, has an amazing testimony. She is in the states as of today getting some tests done in regards to her health. Would you mind taking a minute to pray for her – strength, peace, and wisdom – as well as for the doctors? Thank you! We were there at the beginning of their Saturday children’s club. We didn’t stay for very long, but Tina said that by 4 pm almost 300 kids would be on their property hearing the gospel! How amazing is that?!

We ended the day at The Keep by having smoothles and milkshakes. What? I’m sorry, I meant to write smoothies….yet their menu says smoothles…yet the waitress said smoothies….so we call them smoothles. True story.

I know you want to leave a comment….just do so below. Until next week…or Saturday since we’re already into this week.
This is one of many poses Rosie does for me throughout the day!

Thursday, October 10, 2013

What's going on in my head....

I have been struggling with being here at the orphanage. I have looked at tickets to come home early on more than one occasion. A feeling of restlessness has overcome me often. I thought I had no expectations coming into my trip, but I was very wrong.

I was reading in Psalms today and read Psalm 23. It’s a very familiar passage to any and everyone. It’s one that I tend to go quickly through…until today. After reading through it, I went back and reread verse five again. I decided to go online and find commentary that explains that verse more thoroughly. What I didn’t expect was to get “hung up” on verse one. “The Lord is my Shepherd, I shall not want.” I was reading Charles Spurgeon’s exposition on this chapter found here. Here are a few things that struck me dead between the eyes:

1. He (David) compares himself to a creature weak, defenseless, and foolish, and he takes God to be his Provider, Preserver, Director, and, indeed, his everything.

2. If he (the Lord) be a Shepherd to no one else, he is a Shepherd to me; he cares for me, watches over me, and preserves me. The words are in the present tense. Whatever the believer’s position, he is even now under the pastoral care of Jehovah.

3. I shall not want for spirituals, I know that his grace will be sufficient for me. Resting in him he will say to me, “As thy day so shall thy strength be.”

I cannot tell you why this has been hard for me. I know there is a spiritual battle going on and I am incredibly grateful that God is on the throne and He will prevail! I am not lacking for anything right now. God's grace is sufficient...and exactly what I need every. single. day.

It's been difficult not focusing on the same thing day in and day out. I am loving on these babies...and I love doing it. I need to focus on God and the cross instead of my circumstances. This can happen anywhere and as a believer I know it's happened before. It happened to me when I was in Hawaii. The grass is greener concept. Except for the fact that I don't have any green grass to go back to so to speak. What is 3 months compared to eternity? Absolutely nothing!

I have decided to stay the full 3 months. God is at work in my life. I don't know what will come of my staying and how God will work, but I know that by staying I'm not only allowing for blessings that otherwise would be withheld but I'm growing closer to my Lord.

This has been a hard post to write as my thoughts about this are so jumbled. The few I've sought wisdom from have had to bear with me while trying to sort my thoughts out. God bless them!!! God bless you for reading this messy post! Please keep me in your prayers - for grace, strength, humility, courage, and peace as I continue loving my babies.

Me and Eric chilling - he was kind of clingy to me that day and I didn't mind a bit.

Sunday, October 6, 2013

Getting to Know You: Joan

Joan - you were the first baby that I held in my arms. Unfortunately it was because you were sick, but you got better, so that was perfectly ok with me. Through that I learned that you love to pat people...and even your toys.

Sick girl getting fed

You talk constantly to yourself and after lunch, while in the highchair, you flap your wings trying I guess?! Just recently you've discovered your lungs....and how to scream instead of crying. That's definitely not something that you need to develop, unless you are planning on using that scream in theater or something.

Chatting it up with just herself
You have started scooting...backwards. We will need to work on using your legs to move your body instead of your arms. You are content to sit in one place or lay in one place while your siblings are crawling all around you. You love to take it all in.

What a cutie!!!!!!
You remind me of my mom when you're both very slow! You seriously take your time and even though I know you are hungry, you are yet again content to just watch those around you. I try to get a spoonful into your mouth, but you barely open. That's funny since you definitely know how to open your mouth when you are screaming.

I love you Joan! You are one of the best cuddlers in the nursery and I thank you for that! I pray for your salvation at an early age so you can grow up sharing the love of God to all those around you with the set of lungs that you are developing rather quickly! 

Supergirl Joan

Saturday, October 5, 2013

Week 4 Recap

I'm thankful for struggles that point us to Christ. They aren't easy to go through - as you all know. Yet, the cross is always there, always waiting for us to lay our burdens down at.

One of my babies crawled this week! Rosie is a roller, literally she rolls everywhere. I put her on her stomach and grabbed a toy. Once I got her eyes focused on it I, of course, banged it on the floor and commanded her to move and she did! Well, I did bang it on the floor, but really didn't think she would go after it. I got her to do it twice this week. Success people!!! Gotta work on a few more and encourage them to crawl too :)

We go through at least 350 diapers in ONE day!
We received two new babies this week. Mercy April came on Sunday and Amani Duncan came Friday. We now have 12 babies in the nursery. We're a little cramped for space, but each baby has a bed, clothes, a roof over their head, and food. What more could one want? Ok, I guess toys - but thankfully we have plenty of those too. Both babies have been well taken care of, thankfully. April is having a little harder time adjusting. She doesn't cry all the time like I thought a child in her situation might. Duncan seems to be a happy little man. He has a little cold, but is also in good health.

One of the volunteers brought a double stroller over with them. I took out 2 babies in that and one in a front of me in one of those carrying type thingies. (Can you tell I have never had kids?) If the weather cooperates more with me, I'll be taking the babies out 2 or 3 at a time to walk around the neighborhood in the morning. It's rainy season, though, so I'm not betting on it.

Freida and I had a little one on one time this week.

Today we celebrated Amani's 10th year anniversary. It was definitely a unique party, but the day went incredibly well. I prayed all week long for no rain and God answered with absolutely no clouds in the sky. Found out some stats today - in the last 10 years 300 babies came through here. One of the very first kids that was brought here and the newest baby (Amani mentioned earlier) were both here. There were many families that came who had either adopted or had been reunited. It was wonderful seeing them all come through.
Celebrating birthdays for the month of September

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Getting to Know You: Mercy

If only you could hear this in person!!!!
Mercy - you are the first baby I see every single morning. Today was a rare occasion in that you were still sleeping when I walked in to your room. Every other time though, you get the biggest smile on your face when you see me. I know that it's because you are seeing someone and not because it's me...although I tell myself you are just super excited it's your Auntie!

You have no teeth even though you are almost a year old! Girl, get with it. How are you going to be able to chew big girl food in just a few short months when they take you away from the comfort of your nursery and put you into Cottage B? However, I love the fact that you don't have teeth. Your smile is that much more infectious because of the lack!

You think I"m up to something? But why?!
Oh, and your laugh - don't even get me started. It is the cutest thing I think I have ever heard. It has a raspy quality to it that I equate with someone older than you.

You are the best imitator too. I've taught you well! Love the way you repeat sounds - even though you still haven't caught on to saying "Auntie", that's ok, I still have 2 months to get you there. You also watch my mouth very carefully and end up doing the same thing I just did. I have fun with that one. Hopefully you'll continue doing what I taught you long after I'm gone.

You are a stinker. When you see me trying to get one of your siblings to go after a toy, you come charging in trying to get it. Just because you can walk you think you own the nursery, huh? Well, you sort of do I guess. I held you for the longest time the other day, now whenever you see me you run to me...well, shimmy on the ground quickly :)

You are on the top 3 of my list of babies to bring back to America with me! I was going to sponsor you, but someone beat me to the punch in like 3 days. That was sad when I found out, but I'm super excited that a family will be able to watch you grow into a gorgeous woman!

I pray for your salvation. I know you love to talk and sing, so use those talents for God's glory as you grow older. I will miss snuggling you and having you hang on me trying to stand up all on your own. Be good for the mama's. Your daddy is going to be so surprised to see how well you are doing. 

This was her following me the other day when I left.
This was hard to get...she very much did not want to cooperate for the camera.

Auntie loves you Mercy!!!!! Please don't lose your joy - just make it complete with Jesus!